Täällä on tietoa kaikista kuudesta winx-tytöstä!
  • Nimi: Bloom
  • Syntymäpäivä:10.12.1989
  • Ikä:17
  • Voima:Lohikäärmeenliekki ja parannusvoima
  • Kotiplaneetta:Domino(Kasvanut maassa)
  • Perhe:Kasvattivanhemmat Vanessa ja Mike, lemmikkikani Kiko synnyinvanhemmat Dominon kuningas ja kuningatar Oritel ja Mariam.
  • Pixie: Lockette
  • Poikaystävä: Eraklyonin Prinssi Sky
  • Paraskaveri:Stella
  • Huonekaveri Alfeassa: Flora
  • Muuta:
  • Charmix: sydämen muotoinen rintakoru keltaisella kivellä ja pinkki, pörröinen sydämen muotoinen lantiolaukku.
  • Enchantix: sininen upea puku.
  • Nimi:Stella
  • Syntymäpäivä:18.8.1988
  • Ikä:18
  • Voima:Aurinko ja kuu
  • Kotiplaneetta:Solaria
  • Perhe:Eronneet kuningas Radius ja kuningatar Luna.
  • Pixie:Amore
  • Poikaystävä:Brandon
  • Paraskaveri:Bloom
  • Huonekaveri Alfeassa:Stellalla on oma huone, joten hän on yksin.
  • Muuta:Stella on erittäin kiinnostunut vaatteista, koruista ja meikeistä. Hän haluaa pukeutua joka päivä kauniisti ja ostelee koko ajan lisää vaatteita. Stellalla on koko Alfean suurin ja täysinäisin vaatekaappi, eikä hän ikinä osaa valita, mitä panisi päälleen. Kerran Stellan poikaystävä Brandon oli joutua naimisiin alamaan prinsessa Amentian kanssa, mutta Stellan pixie Amore korjasi tilanteen voimillaan.
  • Nimi:Flora
  • Syntymäpäivä:1.3.1989
  • Ikä:18
  • Voima:Kukat ja kasvit
  • Kotiplaneetta:Linphea
  • Perhe:Vanhemmista ei tietoa. Pikkusisko Miele.
  • Pixie:Chatta
  • Poikaystävä:Helia
  • Paraskaveri:Bloom
  • Huonekaveri Alfeassa:Bloom
  • Muuta:Flora on kiltein ja vastuuntuntoisin ryhmästä, hän saa kokeista yleensä parhaita numeroita ja on hereillä tunneilla.
  • Nimi:Musa
  • Syntymäpäivä:30.5.1989
  • Ikä:18
  • Voima:Musiikki
  • Kotiplaneetta:Melody
  • Perhe:Äiti Marlin on kuollut, mutta isä Ho-Boe on elossa.
  • Pixie:Tune
  • Poikaystävä:Riven
  • Paraskaveri:Olisiko Layla
  • Huonekaveri Alfeassa:Tecna
  • Muuta:Musa on Floran tavoin hyvä koulussa ja saa kokeista yleensä kymppejä. Musa haluaa laulajaksi, kuten hänen edesmennyt äitinsä oli.
  • Nimi: Tecna
  • Syntymäpäivä: 16.12.1989
  • Ikä: 17
  • Voima: Teknologia
  • Kotiplaneetta: Zenith
  • Perhe: Ei tietoa
  • Pixie: Digit
  • Poikaystävä: Timmy
  • Paraskaveri: Ei tietoa
  • Huonekaveri Alfeassa: Musa
  • Muuta: Tecnan on huhuttu olevan puoliksi kyborgi, puoliksi ihminen ja puoliksi kone, ja hän onkin kotoisin Zenithistä, teknologiamaailmasta. Tecnan on hyvin vaikeaa ilmaista tunteitaan, hän on hyvin looginen ja selväjärkinen.
  • Nimi: Layla
  • Syntymäpäivä: 15.6.1990
  • Ikä: 17
  • Voima: Morfix (sama kuin neste)
  • Kotiplaneetta: Andros
  • Perhe: Androksen kuningatar Niobe ja kuningas Teredor
  • Pixie: Piff
  • Poikaystävä: Nabu
  • Paraskaveri: Musa
  • Huonekaveri Alfeassa: Francis
  • Muuta: Layla rakastaa tanssimista, jota hänelle opetti vanha ystävä Anne. Hän on saanut uuden tanssikaverin Musasta. Layla on urheilullinen, rohkea, ystävällinen, mutta pelkää helposti joutuvansa yksin.

Siinä oli tietoa. Toivottavasti tarpeeksi! Jos tähän olisi vielä lisättävää ilmoitelkaa siitä viekussa...! Ja toivottovasti et kopioisi...!


Bloom was born on December 10th in Sparx, Domino. She was born into royalty Queen Miriam and King Oritel. Shortly after birth, her planet was attacked by a coven of witches (the Trix's ancestors) who sought to retrieve the Dragon's Flame from Sparx. During this battle, the lively culture and population was decimated. In a final sacrificial act to ensure that the Dragon's Flame did not fall into the wrong hands, Bloom's older sister, Daphne sent her into a portal that lead to another planet, Earth.
On Earth, Bloom appeared in a building that her father Mike a firefighter, was dousing. Mike rescued Bloom and eventually adopted her. Bloom's adoptive mother was Vanessa a florist. Bloom grew up to have an uneventful childhood and had no awareness of her true origins. In her youth, she received a gift, her close pet rabbit Kiko and met her nemesis, the snobbish and arrogant Mitzi.
In her late teens, Bloom encountered Stella fighting at a local park with Knut, an ogre. Just as Stella was about to be defeated, Bloom, surprisingly, used a magical attack and turned the fight in Stella's favour, and both of them were able to defeat Knut. Stella, impressed with Bloom's power, encouraged her to return to Alfea, the prestigious school for fairies which she studied at. Curious about developing her powers and eager to find out where they came from, Bloom agrees, after convincing her parents. In the evening Bloom got to know Sky who soon gets her boyfriend. Sky first kisses Bloom in the Episode Roseday.


Stella is really nice. Even though she is usually proud, Stella cares a lot about her friends. She will stick up to her friends and do anything to keep them safe. Stella is always seen wearing a smile on her face, or cracking jokes to cheer her friends when they are depressed. Basically, Stella has a cheerful and optimistic personality. Besides that, she is a fashionista (one episode has her being spelled by a senior because she was giving them fashion tips; however, this was not part of the original episode). She's not all that good at school, sometimes she'd rather do shopping than study and do work. That was the main reason why Stella didn't do well in school.
The most intuitive of all of the members, Stella likes to matchmake and has often had problems with understanding why her friends don't always like getting set up. However, despite her intuition, Stella can be rather oblivious at times (especially when it comes to her boyfriend, Brandon).
As she is one year older than the other girls, Stella often takes up the role of a leader. She was sent to Alfea to become a stronger fairy, but this didn't mean so much to her. She uses her magic for anything but she mostly wants to help her friends as deep inside she is a generous and helpful girl.
Although she might disagree with her friends, Stella is very supportive and protective and will not hesitate to help them. She learns to accept that love and friendship are far more important than royalty, fashion and shopping. Sometimes she hides her true personality because of her upbringing. However, she has finally managed to uncover it in the 4th episode of season 3.She has always wanted her separated parents (King Radius and Queen Luna) to reconcile, to the point that she was angry that her father, King Radius, announced his marriage to a new woman, Countess Cassandra, mostly because her daughter Chimera had been mean to her.


Flora is a sweet, shy, and calm seventeen year old girl. She loves plants of all kinds and enjoys making flower perfumes. Flora is strongly connected to nature and loves helping people. She can be very sensitive and always wants the best for her friends and everyone around. Flora is the most mature member of the Winx Club. She also loves peace, happiness, and tranquility. Although she tries to hide her true feelings, her friends help and encourage her to share all her ideas with everyone. Flora hardly gets nervous and even in the worst of situations, she manages to stay calm and reasonable. At times, she doesn't know how to express herself, because she doesn't want to start fights. She is a diligent student at Alfea and is cautious of her actions. Although she can be insecure, her friends boost her self-esteem. Flora is experimenting with plants, which, in the 4Kids version, is trying to make them speak because she believes that if more plants talked, deforestation would be dramatically reduced.

Flora's birthday is March 1. She is from Planet Linphea. Because of this, she has the power of nature and has abilities deriving from it. Flora often does not use as many offensive attacks as the other Winx girls, but rather, she uses them for more strategic purposes. She can create binding vines and walls of vines, as well as blasts of flowers and pollen either as offensive attacks or for diversion. She can also control forests and has earth magic. In addition to this, she is able to hear the voice of nature speaking to her.


Musa is the princess of the Harmonic Nebula, where she once lived. Her mother died when she was very young, and Musa really misses her. She loves her dad, but they don't always get along so well since, despite his good heart, he's a work-a-holic and a perfectionist. Also, although her mother had an amazing voice and her dad was a pianist, after her mother's death, her dad refused music, and even once threatened to withdraw Musa from Alfea for appearing at a concert a Red  Fountain . Her birthday is May 30th. Musa was 16 years old at the beginning of the series.She loves music, dancing, singing and playing all instruments, but her favorite is the concert flute. Musa usually plays amazing music, but plays best when she is alone, by herself in Alfea in a quiet spot. Musa likes songs that have powerful meanings and words in them.Despite being the most tomboyish of the Winx Club, she is perhaps the most emotionally vulnerable. Musa compensates by putting up a tough front. Her emotional weakness is probably a result from her mother's early death, and father being far away.She is also a bit of a loner and has a crush on Riven but they both don't admit they like each other until the end of season one. But it is not until season two that Riven and Musa start dating.Surprisingly (considering Tecna), Musa gets the best grades of the group, as mentioned in the 15th episode of the first season (in both versions).
In Season three, Musa admits that she will break up with Riven, but they later reconcile.


Tecna is 16 years old and her birthday is on December 16th. Tecna is extremely smart and loves technology. She is always practical and logical, sometimes to a fault. She is unselfish and nice to her friends - she truly cares for them, even if she can't always show it. She loves science and in her spare time, she does experiments. She also has a photographic memory; as mentioned in the episode Rescue At Cloudtower, season 1. Sometimes she gets too into her technology, and her enthusiasm with the same can be annoying. She loves computers and video games. Tecna has trouble expressing her emotions and bases the majority of her decisions on pure logic, though in the second and third season, she gets over that trouble and is more open and friendly toward her friends. Tecna enjoys doing sports and being active.Her boyfriend is Timmy

When we first see Layla in the first episodes of season two, it is apparent that she is determined and fearless. In her very first appearance, we observe her trying to rescue the pixies that will later become bonded to the individual members of the Winx Club. Through her conversation, we get a glimpse of her powers, and receive a few hints about the villain of the season, Lord Darkar.After escaping with only one pixie, baby Piff, she stumbles to Alfea, where she is found by the members of the Winx Club, and faints. She shows a deep love and caring for the pixies, who are obviously her close friends. The Pixies trust her very much - Layla is one of the few people who know of Pixie Village. Layla gives practical advice and always provides a shoulder to cry on.She continuously shows this caring nature throughout the show, comforting Musa after her conflict with her father, and calming Flora's nerves when she experiences qualms about her feelings for Helia.She has tried to develop independence. She appears to be a feminist, and can perform any task that the specialists can. She even, at one point, takes control of the Wind Raiders from Riven.Layla was raised in a very traditional setting. Her parents believed that princesses should conduct themselves in a strict orthodox manner, and scrutinized her every movement and thought. As a result, Layla had a very isolated childhood, excepting the times when she escaped from the palace.Because of this, Layla has not had many friends. After her best friend Anne moves away when Layla is young, her only friends are the pixies of Pixie Village.In most of season 2, the show seemed to revolve around Layla instead of Bloom and the other girls, but at the end, it focused on Bloom again because Lord Darkar tried and succeeded temporarily to turn her evil.Layla loves sports and dancing. She is 17 years old and her birthday is June 15th. Her first interaction with girls her age comes when she arrives at Alfea. Having been so isolated for such a long time, many times, she holds back, and worries that she doesn't know how to be a good friend. As the months progress, though, she slowly opens up and becomes good friends with all of them.Layla is extremely opinionated and open minded. She is as intuitive as Stella, and when asked to, gives practical and pragmatic advice. She is also a talented dancer, and speaks many different languages. She is called Aisha in the original Italian.She is strongly against romantic entanglements with boys, as seen in episode 18 of the 3rd season. This is likely because of an arranged marriage from her parents, mentioned in episode 9, but only brought up again in episode 18. Nabu is the man her parents want her to marry. And under the name Ophir helps her various times throughout season 3. She does find out he is Nabu and they get together at the end of the series.

I hope that this was help for you! :) And please don´t copy...!
